Week 8A: Get Visual - Let a Picture Tell a Story

Week 8: Get Visual - Let a Picture Tell a Story

   Social media is crucial when you have a business. It is the best way to connect with your audience and grow a following. The social media platforms that I use the most for my business are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Although I have a twitter account, it does not get used as much as our business FB and IG. Instagram has become my go to for uploading photos and this platform is also when I get the most interaction from followers. I use Instagram to post photos of our product and people using our service.

   We have less followers on Instagram (317) than we do on Facebook (828) but we get many more likes and comments from our Instagram account. This just goes to show that your amount of engagements are not based on the amount of followers you have.

   I do my very best to keep our Instagram and Facebook current and update it as often as I can. I would say every few days but at least once a week. I make sure to use our own hashtag in every post in case someone has decided to follow our hashtag instead of our page. I also use hashtags like #photobooth #weddingweekends #weddings #quinceanera #babyshower or anything else that is related to the visual that I post.

Below are the links to our social media pages so you can check them out for yourself!




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