Week 13A - Online Advertising
Week 13 - Online Advertising
I have seen many, many advertising posts on media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. I am much more effected and intrigued by advertising videos than a single photo or even worse, just text. The companies that I looked into are using Facebook and Instagram for the majority of there advertising. I do believe it is effective especially because of my very own reactions to them. If you can capture the experience and fun of a photo booth on video, consumer could have feelings of joy and even laughter. Photo booths are one of those things that if you can experience it in real life of even on video, you are likely to want to join in the fun. Facebook and Instagram are best for these kinds of advertising and I do believe that they are the most effective.
When comparing the differences in traditional and social media advertising there are many. Traditional advertising such as TV commercials tend to be much more lengthy so you can pack more information into this type of advertising. Billboards and text advertising is more difficult to grab your attention. You have to be very cleaver. I have seen a few billboards that have done a great job of grabbing attention and the ones that cause a reaction such as laughter are the best. They are the ones you always remember. My favorite one is the Chick-Fill-A billboard with 2 cows painting the words "Eat More Chicken". When I first saw this, and even when I see it now, I laugh. It is cleaver advertising like that that is lasting on a consumer.
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